Schedule your donation for Colorado Gives Day!
Thanks to the generous donations by members of the Colorado Discover Ability’s Board of Directors, along with Alpine Bank, Roots and Doehling Law, this year we have some exciting news:
CDA’s goal for Colorado Gives Day is to reach $10k with donations, and this year donations will be matched $dollar for $dollar up to that $10k!
Colorado Gives Day takes place on December 7th and offers a simple platform to donate to nonprofits throughout the state. You can schedule your Colorado Gives donation to Colorado Discover Ability TODAY or any day up through December 7th.
Schedule your donation now through the link below and help us reach our goals!
Be sure to click “Schedule on Gives Day”
*If scheduled in advance, your cc information will be stored until the payment goes through on Dec. 7th. This is a requirement of the CO Gives platform and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your support!
And again, much gratitude to our matching donors from our Board as well as: